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Transacting through MFU/BSE
Advantages of using BSE StAR MF (Register with BSE Star MF):
- Independent view of customer's entire portfolio at one place
- Reduction of paperwork and ensuing errors
- Reduction of redundancy in process and data duplication at RTA and Distributor levels
- De-risking MF settlement processes by using superior Delivery v/s Payment (DVP) process provided by Stock Exchanges
- Efficiently & effectively address customer servicing issues
- Extending present convenience available to Secondary market to mutual fund investors
- Enable transparency to customers
- Enable charging customers for service at the point where it is rendered
MF Utility (MFU) provides a whole lot of features to Investors like:-
- Common Account Number (CAN) – a single reference for all the Mutual Fund investments
- Common Transaction Form to transact in multiple schemes at a time, across Mutual Funds
- Single payment facility for investments in multiple schemes across Mutual Funds, using a single form
- Multiple modes of payments for investments through physical and electronic means
- Consolidated view of investments across the industry using CAN
- Industry level alerts, triggers, reminders etc. for transactions, SIP expiry etc.